dames help me en beantwoord aub vragen

  • lala

    Hello Laila,

    Ik weet ik niet waroom er is meer bmhk in ontwikkelingslanden. Maar er zijn studies kijk aan http://www.reproline.jhu.edu/english/6read/6multi/tgwg/Tgrh09e-02.htm#TopOfPage What causes most cases of cervical cancer?

    Ik heb ook soms last van mijn boven benen……..net als jouw.

    Gelukkig heb ik geen laast met sex. In het begin was wat raar. Ik voelde ‘iets’ dat niet klopte maar dat is nu weg. Mijn vagina is kort geworden maar niet zo veel. De doktor heef 1 cm weg gesnijd. Mijn man voel geen verschil (gelukkig).

    Ik ga even in engels, ga wat sneller, ok??? Maar je can gewoon in NL OK?

    You said before that you do not know about the cost of the operation. I know that you do not get the bill, but it is send directly to the insurance. But, does your health insurance have a web page where you can log in and see all the cost that you have had??? Some insurances have such service. (At least mijn does).

    As I said I got a letter from my insurance saying that the cost for all the treatment, exams, operation, etc cost 4260 euros. And I really can not believe that. I paid around 5.500 euros in Colombia. That including all the exams (I had tomography or TC scan, electrocardiogram, lungs x-ray, blood testing, etc, the operation and 3 days in the hospital.

    You were 1 week in the hospital. That alone cost almost this amount.

    Anyway, if you can help me with finding that out, great.

    Do not worry to find out by yourself why women get infected. I understand by your first message that you are quite puzzle with that because in your case the causes are not obvius. You did not start early with sex, you only have two man in you life( so far) and you got sick before the time that the virus suppose to be develop. By the way, my doctor in Colombia also explained me that. The 15 years time that it usually takes to get cancer. And that time did not pass for you. But some people are just genetically more prone to get certain sickness that other.

    Have a nice weekend,


  • laila

    hoi lala,

    ik ga proberen om er achter te komen hoeveel het kost ok..want het bedrag dat jij geeft lijkt me erg weinig.ik weet ook niet waar je verzekerd bent want elke verzekering is anders.

    ik ga het uitzoeken en ik laat het je wel weten ok..
